I left my heart to the wild hunt a'coming
Luke 21:5-19 The end and justice: On November 14 I will be doing a preach and teach event at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Bellevue, WA. for the Lutheran Public Policy Office. Typically an LPPO Sunday is lead by a representative of the LPPO. The representative preaches, gives a presentation during the adult education hour. This particular visit will be a little different. This is because Holy Cross is already a member of the LPPO’s congregational, state-wide network. In other words, this congregation is an “advocating congregation.” Apocalypticism: That is the context for preaching these apocalyptic words of Jesus. Certainly most mainline denominations will struggle with these words. Apocalypticism is box-office, biblical stuff. As popular as this literature is, it is just a prone to be abused as misunderstood. -With that in mind, I am interested in thinking about apocalypticism in light of social justice/advocacy. This should be an interesting process of investigation...