this aint the heartbreak
that i thought i knew
Tonight as the each of your lights helped expel the darkness, we added two new lights to the one light of Christ.
And, admittedly, for as wonderful as the experience was, it was a little confusing. There was a fire, water and a lot of words.
A lot of words…
Amidst all those, though, there were about five that were the most important.
Those words, in fact, were all names.
“In the name of Father,
In the name of the Son,
In the name of the Holy Spirit,”
And then two more important names, A.J., and Nikolas.
Mary who would just heard about in today’s Gospel can tell you how important names are…
Mary, just like each of us, found herself outside as light and darkness mingled. Mary found herself in a garden, and although she confused, she could tell something was different.
Just like us out there with the fire and water…
Then Mary saw someone standing there;
and she thought him to be the gardener…
Now we know better, but you have to wonder;
this Mary who had been through so much with Jesus; eating with him, seeing him preform miracles, even seeing him crucified;
how could she not recognize Jesus now???
Thinking Jesus to be the gardner she speaks some words;
but then Jesus says the word that matters; her name.
Her name…
At the sound of her name being uttered, she recognized Jesus for who he was;
her risen savior.
Nikolas and A.J.,
you’re likely to think that I was the one who said your name outside as the light chased away the dark, but it wasn’t.
It was your Lord and Savior, claiming you forever.
That’s why we had to mark you with oil that will never wash away.
And this promise isn’t only true for these two young men, sisters and brothers.
No, as we added their light to our little vigil, you each carried the light of Christ burning in you, too.
The truth is, each of us, will find ourselves like Mary standing at a tomb,
confused about what’s happened;
and then our Lord and Savior, the Risen Jesus, will say your name.
Jesus will say your name, and then you will finally recognize the one who has been raised for you, turning your grave into the very garden of paradise.
That’s why we’re here this evening;
Christ has brought us through the waters of baptism to survive the furnace, so that we may come on the other side of death as saints proclaiming, “I have seen the Lord!”
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