
Showing posts from July, 2024

why am i soft in the middle

the rest of my life is so hard A sermon St. John's epistles to the elect lady and her children : Guess what? I’ve come up with a new way to get your attention! And I think you’ll like it, too. Instead of participation , I thought we might try gossip . That’s right, gossip ! How do you like that ? And don’t pretend you’re not suddenly more interested, either! I know you ! You can’t resist a little hot gossip! Can you? And you know what else? I’m the object of the gossip, too! Yup, I’m going to spill a little tea on myself ! Now I’ve really got your attention . Don’t I? …While we’re on it, one of the things I want you to take away from my testimony of what a wreck I am is that you would know you can’t shock me. There’s nothing you can confess that will make me think any differently of you. Ok? You don’t have to maintain some sort of image with me!   First of all, give me a little credit ! Sure, I’m no great pastor. But I am at least decent enough to know there’s a reaso

well, look in my eyes

i don't wanna hide A sermon on a crack St. Jude once made : The Fourth of July has come and gone . That means we’re now in the heart of summer. And if you had to choose one , I wonder what season would you say is your favorite ? * Raise your hand if it’s summer . RESPOND . No matter what, even if summer isn’t your favorite season, I think we can all agree that summer has its own unique charms . Doesn’t it? For me, it would be the long days. And I love the smell of trees in the heat, too.   But what about * y’all ? What’s your favorite part of summer ? Let’s hear ‘em! Just * shout out your answers! Don’t overthink it! There are no wrong answers. What’s your favorite part of summer ?   RESPOND . As always, thank you for playing along. You’re good sports. Really! I know you’ve already got plenty on your mind without me asking all these questions each week.   I know you just want to sit back during the sermon. I know you want to let your mind wander during the sermon! After all,