never trust a millionaire quoting the sermon on the mount
i used to think i was not like them, but i'm beginning to have my doubts.
Matthew 14: 22-33:
Prayer: Lord, may the words of my lips and the meditations of all our hearts laud you, Jesus, as the son of the Most High. Amen.
The debt ceiling debate is over. Thank heavens. The weeks of hand-wringing have come to a conclusion. At the last possible minute a deal, if that is what you would like to call it, was reached. The whole thing was incredible to me. After all, the debt ceiling had to be raised if the budget that had already been passed were to be enacted. Failure to raise the debt ceiling would make it impossible for the government to follow legislation that had already been passed.
As this whole, seemingly illogical, ordeal unfolded I was struck by the consequences. As strict ideologies were pontificated ad nausum markets were affected. As a comprise was put on the back burner so an idolatry of political philosophies could practiced, people’s savings wer...