it's a corporate world
are the corporations cutting back Here is a link to an interesting lecture given by Hans J. Hillerbrand at the 2011 Colloquy at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (pages 9-20). Hillerbrand sets out to consider what Luther’s position on Christian Faith and politics would have been. He begins with Luther’s dinner table remark that, “Christ has nothing to do with politics.” From there he goes on to consider the question any seminary student sitting with the contradiction between that Lutheran tradition of “quietism” and the Lutheran notion of “vocation” or “priesthood of all believers” has entertained Hillerbrand phrases the question, “ Really? Jesus has nothing to do with how we as Christians relate our faith to our daily lives, to our vocations, our professions?” I might put the question another way; if we say that every vocation that serves the neighbor is laudable, why do we draw the line at advocacy? Or, to put it a little more bluntly; don’t we act nearly schizo...