
Showing posts from February, 2013

i'll endure the night...

for the promise of light   The Holy Gospel according to St.Luke the 13th Chapter!   By now you've all probably gotten the point that Proverbs 29 is very important to me. "Without a vision the people perish" ~Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) In my own life, and as I've observed the life of the church, it has always seemed that having a vision is necessary for the not only the health of the individual or church, but even for those around them. Without a vision the people perish...   How do we cultivate a vision, though? We can all agree that studying history is important. I remember in second grade, learning about the Holocaust and hearing that famous adage for the first time, "We study history, because if we don't study history we're doomed to repeat it." Reading about the horror of the extermination camps, even at that young age, I became convinced that studying history is indeed important - lest we repeat those tragedies o...

do you all

when you find yourselves in the late morning come awake yearning       For as long as you all have known me, it has been just me; but I have been in relationships. In fact, there was a time when I was engaged. It was an engagement that was called off; obviously. Things began to unravel the second summer of our relationship. That summer I would serve as a chaplain in Missouri and Kristen would work as a nurse in Africa. It was a very difficult summer. Not only was it difficult because we were apart, although that was a large chunk of it, it also had to do with the kind of summer each of us were having. I had a miserable experience as a chaplain. It was hard, I had to deal with a lot of death for the first time, and so on. And for Kristen it was a hard summer, too. She was in Libera; there weren't many ways to speak with her family and friends, and on top of that she was struggling with her vocation. We were each in our own little miseries...

roll over me

i'm looking for something else to see The Holy Gospel according to St. Luke:   The transfiguration is an important event in the church-year. It always comes right before we head into that season of Lent. It is that final epiphany before we mount up our journey with Jesus to that cross. Transfiguration is that promise that the one we follow to the cross is indeed God's chosen one. Yes, the transfiguration is important.   The transfiguration is important because we remember that there are occasions when an instant seeing something changes everything, forever. Yes, this story always seems to capture our attention. When we hear that Jesus gets Peter, James and John together for a jaunt up that hill, we lean forward. For as many times as we have heard this story, we still imagine Jesus' clothing and face begin to dazzle as he prays. For all of the sermons we have heard preached on this transfiguration of Jesus, we still find it all too easy to i...