i'll endure the night...
for the promise of light The Holy Gospel according to St.Luke the 13th Chapter! By now you've all probably gotten the point that Proverbs 29 is very important to me. "Without a vision the people perish" ~Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) In my own life, and as I've observed the life of the church, it has always seemed that having a vision is necessary for the not only the health of the individual or church, but even for those around them. Without a vision the people perish... How do we cultivate a vision, though? We can all agree that studying history is important. I remember in second grade, learning about the Holocaust and hearing that famous adage for the first time, "We study history, because if we don't study history we're doomed to repeat it." Reading about the horror of the extermination camps, even at that young age, I became convinced that studying history is indeed important - lest we repeat those tragedies o...