give me something to believe
because i am living just to breathe Today the readings, from Abraham haggling with God , to the disciples' question toJesus and Jesus' reply and encouragement, are all about prayer. So today, obviously, the sermon will be all about prayer. The nine simples steps to an effective prayer life with God. Or we could go through Martin Luther's small catechism. Should we have a quiz? Or the ACT - 'Ask, Confess, Thank' model of prayer. The truth is, though, none of that stuff works; it doesn't. I mean, heaven forbid that we have a quiz about Luther's Small Catechism, because outside a few folks; most of us wouldn't remember a thing. So since none of that stuff works, I'm not going to preach about it... This summer I have had the privilege to attend a few conferences. First, for continuing Education I went to a conference about the church that is emerging, what the church will look, act & be like in the future. The...