& all day long we talk about mercy
lead me to water Lord I sure am thirsty The Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew the 5th chapter! All we have left is the final coda, otherwise we’ve made it! For seven weeks we’ve been following along, as Jesus was baptized , began his mission, called his disciples, ascended that mountain and gave his first sermon laying out what it will mean to be his disciples. As we’ve followed Jesus, as we’ve wrestled with his words, we’ve also pondered what it in the world it could mean that this man is also God in bones and flesh, that Jesus is God’s incarnation as a human… To help us really wrestle with the radical Christian claim we’ve also challenged ourselves to say daily, “I am a child of God.” Saying this simple six-word sentence has helped us experience the shock that occurs when divinity collides with humanity. And now here we are. Today we hear the culmination of what this Jesus, this God dwelling in and alongside humanity, has b...