get your payments for the nations
for your trials and tribulations A question I often get, goes something like this, “Oh Pastor, what are we going to do? You know, attendance isn’t what it used to be...” Of course I never begrudge anyone for asking that question. In fact, I am glad the questioner cares enough to at least ask. The problem I have with the question, though, is that it assumes our predicament is incomprehensible and that the only possible solution will come from hiring an outside expert ... It’s those assumptions hidden beneath the question that give me pause. The truth is, Jesus began his whole enterprise with twelve folks who were decidedly un professional; fishers, outcasts, deniers and betrayers. All in all, pretty common people... Furthermore, you didn’t call me as an expert in organizational growth; you called me to proclaim Christ and him crucified. The problem is that the way we agonize over the plight of the church, and we aren’t alone , doesn’t serve us well...