i sing a song
'til i get it right For the past three years Jesus has been dragging the disciples along on his tour of ministry. In the few brief instances when there was any quiet, Jesus has been teaching these disciples. In fact, Jesus has even commissioned them to carry on his ministry. Now, as everything builds to what everyone knows must be the climax; the moment that will not only necessitate but also authorize the disciples carrying on Jesus’ mission; these thirteen share a meal. Jesus leads them in a meal of the faith. Then it is time to go, the hour is at hand. Before they go, though, they do one last thing together . They sing. They sing hymns together… Although it most surely does, it shouldn’t surprise us. Even though, we each know for ourselves the power of singing the faith; we’re surprised when we let this familiar story speak on its own terms, to find out that the very last thing Jesus and his disciples did together was to sing songs of the faith… The...