hey you're my wrecking ball
won't you come and knock me down The Gospel according to St. Matthew: Today’s parable is right in our “wheelhouse,” grace . It’s all grace. That’s what we’re all about here too, grace. We hear Jesus tell this parable of the landowner who treats all the laborers the same, and we applaud. After all, we’re the “ nice ” Lutherans. We don’t make folks jump through hoops, we don’t exclude - we, just like the landowner, we’re gracious. Yes, this parable seems to have been recorded just for us . We hear today’s Gospel, and we settle in and get ready to pat ourselves on the back. We hear today’s Gospel, and before the preacher can open his mouth, we already know the punchline, “let’s keep acting like that magnanimous landowner.” In fact, I know you; you blue collar union-workers; why you even commend the landowner for paying all the workers the same. When Jesus tells that the landowner is just as generous to those 11th hour workers as she...