hallelujah was a hoodrat
& now you finally know that The Holy Gospel according to St. Luke the 24th chapter ! The resurrected Jesus turns up in their midst; they look upon the wounds from that terrible day. Indeed, it is the same Jesus they followed, ate with, watched preform miracles, and then, horrifyingly, gawked at as the nails were driven through his hands and feet, and finally ran from as he died. Now, though; now here he is. It’s Jesus, and he still has the scars to prove it. Instead of being overjoyed, though, Luke tells us there was joy,yes; but joy and disbelief, joy and wonder… It’s an odd detail, isn’t it? You’d think that after the terror and tragedy of the cross, Luke would be more than ready to move on, and talk about Jesus perfect victory that casts out all doubts. Only that isn’t what Luke does; which should serve as a perennial reminder that the truth is stranger than fiction. In that simple line, you could even call it throw away one, you get the ...