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in the old king james version We’re going to spend a little time with the Old Testament . Time with the Bible is always well spent. For those of us who place our trust in Jesus, though, it is especially important to to familiarize ourselves with the Old Testament. After all, Jesus was Jewish; he understood his mission in light of what we call the Old Testament (which, for him it was just called “the Bible”). Of course it all begins with Eden , God’s perfect creation. Not long into the story, though, Sin rears its ugly head, and Eden is lost . The rest of the story, is the story of God repairing creation; of God getting this world back to what was intended at Eden. To do this, God chooses a wandering Armenian; Abraham. You remember, “Father Abraham, had many sons; and many sons had father Abraham.” It turns out that, for no reason other than the God you worship is an electing God, God chooses Abraham for the project of restoration. And to do this, God makes ...