& when you get damned in the popular opinion
it's just another damn of the damns you're not giving The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark, the 7th chapter! It’s a hard saying Jesus drops on us today: For it is from within , from the human heart , that evil intentions come : fornication, & theft, & murder, & adultery, & avarice, & wickedness, & deceit, & licentiousness, & envy, & slander, & pride, & folly. All these evil things come from within , and they defile a person. That’s hard to take. Not to mention that us good, modern people; part of a social justice oriented denomination to boot, and Danish no less; aren’t even sure if we actually believe Jesus. I mean, surly he’s exaggerating , right? We’re not that bad, are we? After all, we’re good people. Why just, well last year now that I think about it , donated to NPR. I mean, how bad can we be? Should we dare to be so brash as to admit some amount of guilt, we’d never go as far as Jesus goe...