consider what's to come... The Holy Gospel according to St. Luke ! It had been a long day... So when the rabbi suggested a hike to go pray, the thought of relaxing instead, sounded more appealing. Up on the mountain, as per usual, Jesus’ prayer stretched on. After not long, their minds began to wander, and then their eyes grew heavy... Before they could fall asleep, though, their attention was snatched. Jesus, right before their eyes, was changing . His clothes dazzled, his continence transformed. Then , lo and behold! Moses and Elijah standing with him, talking about his Exodus in Jerusalem … Can you imagine ? It could have been hours, but you know it only felt like seconds. No sooner had they arrived, than they were leaving. Peter can’t just let this moment just pass him up. After all, it is too good for them to be up there, with these two holy men and their leader in his glory. "Let us build three dwellings,” he blurted out. We don't k...