you know you really gotta
get right with the Lord A sermon from Galatians : All you have is your reputation; and Paul’s had seen better days… Paul founded the congregations in Galatia. While he was away working with other congregations, though; some other missionaries showed up… And when they found out Paul had been the one to start those congregations, they couldn’t hold their tongue. “Oh Paul . You know, he isn’t authorized from HQ, right,” they ask rhetorically. Paul’s pedigree didn’t cut the mustard… But that wasn’t all. Because it wasn’t just Paul’s bona fides that troubled those other missionaries. It was his entire message … The infiltrators said Paul’s message was too simple . They accused Paul of telling the Galatians what they wanted to hear. That Paul made the Gospel easy , because he was trying to gain the favor of his audience, the Galatians. That Paul was a people-pleaser. All you have is your reputation, and these other missionaries were suspicio...