what's really hard about lent
We’re all just a bunch of sinners, free-riding on Jesus Living out the faith is not easy. In an important way, that’s what Lent is all about. Coming to terms with the challenge of the call to which we have been called (Ephesians 4:1). The thing is, Christianity isn’t challenging just because it’s hard ; although it is. Christianity is challenging because it doesn’t come naturally to us. The faith is built on all sorts of claims we would never come up with on our own. For instance, we will begin Lent with a reminder of our mortality. Now, I don’t know about you, but most of the messages I hear are promises I can live forever. That this or that will help me cheat death. Christianity will have no truck with such lies, though. That’s what’s really challenging about Lent. It isn’t giving up the swears or chocolate; although that may be hard. And it isn’t the call to works of love, either; although those can be difficult too. No, Lent is a chall...