caught in the whirlwind / dry as a bone
& i don't think that i can make it on my own A sermon on the parable of the rich man and Lazarus : He’d been a success his entire life . There wasn’t any deal he couldn’t close. And he put his skills to work building up his wealth. In fact, his life was a testament to his success. He was always dressed in the latest fashions, and he could usually be found at the trendiest restaurants, too. He was nothing like those louts who always seemed to be milling at the gates of his condominiums. Begging. He knew how to get along in this life… But it turns out he did have something in common with all those folks; because like everyone else, he died . And there, in his death , all his success turns out to have counted for very little . None of his Italian suits or his reserved table at the 21 Club, can stave off death . Be he’s not to be deterred by a little thing like his death. So the rich man does what he does best. There in Hades...