& (try) to put our world together
standing in the breach We’re about to begin another trip through the Bible. This is our second year with the Narrative Lectionary; and I’ve really enjoyed it. I love that we start at the beginning and work our way through. That the passages are longer. That there is only one passage to focus on. That we get to spend time with some great parts of the Bible that are often overlooked or given short shrift. But one of my favorite things is, the way working from beginning to end helps us draw connections. How you can see the way the stories in the Old Testament continue and build on one another. How you can see what it means to say Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises. Because Jesus didn’t just come out of nowhere. Jesus came from the story that began in Genesis and ends in Revelation. And Jesus is the one who completes these stories. Sadly, I think that’s hard for us to connect with these days. Because we live with a lot of broken promises, ...