if you don't mind believing that it changes everything
time will never matter The Holy Gospel according to St. John the 13th chapter ! This sermon isn’t about our “ nevers ,” it’s about Jesus’ always … On the night as the pot started to boil over. The night before everything hit the fan. The night before the final reckoning. The night even the air was tense . Jesus gathered his inner circle around a table. Only, instead of laying out a plan to take down the enemy, Jesus took off his robe. Instead of putting on a military uniform, he puts on servant’s rags. And instead of taking up arms, he picks up a bowl. On the night when all the forces of evil will wage war with Jesus, Jesus doesn’t stand up to the wicked ruler, instead he kneels at the side of his disciples! He wages no righteous war, instead he washes their dirty feet. * Even Judas’, who would betray him… And Peter, along with the rest of us, will have none of it. He tells Jesus “ never .” “You will never wash my feet,” P...