wake you up with a dawn full of golden rays
i want you around A sermon on the First Chapter of Ruth Like so many good stories this one begins on the run . After a famine hits, Naomi and her husband pack-up, get the boys in their carseats and say goodbye to their old life in search of a better one… …It’s a familiar story, isn’t it? I grew up in a small town, west and north of here. By small I mean, 8 blocks long by three blocks wide. My friends and I, we spent high school talking about how once we left, we’d never go back. How we were going to leave and find something better . …Only, it’s not that simple, is it? The past doesn’t let go of us so easily. And it’s no different for Naomi, either. She can only run for so long before everything she’s been running from, catches up with her…. And in spades, too. First , Death comes for her husband. And then, if that weren’t enough, right when her boys get to be the age when Naomi can start expecting grandchildren, Death finds her again ...