shadowed beneath thy hand
may we forever stand A sermon on the Feeding of the 5,000 plus, & Jesus Walking on the Water : Now I KNOW this scripture is just what someone needs to hear today. It’s for you who are here wondering if you’ve got enough in the tank, tormented by the storms of life, and just trying to get a foothold. Is that you ? >Are you worried? Worried you don’t have enough. Worried you aren’t enough? •If you are, Jesus tells you to bring what you have; because he has a special blessing for humble offerings like ours! >Are you worn out? Have the winds of life been against you? •If you are, then Jesus comes, saying, “Take Heart. I am. Do not be Afraid!” >Did you take a step out in faith this week, and try to follow Jesus? Only to realize it was harder , scarier than you thought, and now you feel like you’re sinking? •If you are, Jesus reaches out his hand to you ! This scripture is just for someone here today. Someone needs to hear this! ...