
Showing posts from November, 2019

some are one trick ponies

but we embrace em 2 Kings 22-23:3 : The holidays are a bit of a crucible . Aren’t they? During the holidays our greatest expectations next to our most dreaded ones! Of colliding our biggest joys with our greatest disappointments . So much hope and expectation are crammed into the days ahead. Loading each and every moment with demands and to do’s .   …So yes, the days ahead are a bit of a crucible . Now, the etymology of crucible is cross . And for those of us who worship a crucified savior that ought to give us a little hope! And here it is: When Jesus made the cross his throne, each and every cross lost their power to kill ! Now they have become instruments of resurrection ! The days ahead are a crucible . A cross . And what that means is there’s a blessed way to live into them. Or rather, a blessed way die into them. The blessed upside - down way of our savior ! Which is good. Because if your schedule isn’t upside-down yet, it’s...

even if you lose it

it will find you Isaiah 5:1-7 and 11:1-5 : From the Thanksgiving-ings, to the holiday office, in quotation-marks parties , to the shorter days and even shorter tempers , to the over -stimulated children and even more over -blown expectations, we’re about to go through it. Before you start to feel too sorry for yourself, though, remember for many folks the excess of the holidays only point to days gone by . There are many of us who would love to have our calendar be a little more crowded . You see? None of us are going to escape. We’re all about to go through it. The days ahead are going to nick us all up. But , for all that, it isn’t really all that, that’s going to make the days ahead so hard .   No, the biggest challenge is going to be the person who stars back at you from the mirror each morning. We are the ones who make the holidays so hard!   And one of the reasons, if not the primary reason, is a piece of advice we received; ...

i'm coming for everyone

& coming on strong A sermon from Hosea 11:1-9 ...Can you say dysfunctional ??? And no , I’m not talking about our congregational meetings. … Although . ;-) …No, what I’m talking about is the relationship described here in today’s scripture ; the relationship between God and God’s people… The thing about this relationship is, it’s less than ideal .   It’s November now, and that means we’re about to spend the next couple months being force fed depiction and depiction of happy families, gleefully gathering around the softly-lit tables, full of perfectly cooked food. And while those depictions have a certain appeal , they couldn’t be further from the family-life Hosea describes!   Hosea describes the relationship between God and God’s people as at the point where families find themselves in therapy . Or, even after that. At the last moments before the relationship fizzles out … God has been like a loving parent, Hosea...

stealin' my heart

'stead of stealing my crown A sermon on 1 Kings 18:17-39 : Each week someone stands up here to proclaim the word of the Lord. And, each week, everyone leans forward in anticipation of what’s about to be said. …For about 15 seconds. …A little googling, though, suggests the average attention span is even shorter . Eight seconds, or so! But , a little more googling, suggests that statistic isn’t altogether trustworthy! …Sorry, I got distracted .   Regardless of how long you measure the average attention span, though, the fact is the same ; attention is as coveted as it is illusive . Isn’t that what everyone is competing for in today’s scripture? The prophets of Baal compete for Baal’s attention. The prophet Elijah competes for the people’s attention. And even the Lord gets in on the game, competing for the people’s attention! And it’s no different with us . Is it? We, too, are concerned with getting the right attention from th...