mirror my malady
transform my malady The holy Gospel according to St. Mark Ch. 5, v. 1-20)! Faith is a counter -intuitive thing. And nowhere is this more obvious than today’s scripture; the Gerasenes’ Demoniac. A frightening little episode. Beginning with this specter of a man running up to Jesus and shouting at him! Begging Jesus not to torment him. Jesus isn’t much for negotiating, though, he just asks the man his name. But, instead of saying his given name, the demon speaks for the man. Standing up straight, the demon boasts , “My name is Legion ,” for we are many . …Which brings us to this habit Mark has, of equating people with their ailment . For instance, this man isn’t a person who’s possessed. He is his possession. So overcome is this man, that his entire identity is subsumed by his malady. He isn’t a person who’s possessed, he is a demoniac… And one look at him could tell you that. …Apparently...