let the bones you have crushed
rejoice Let’s do something a little different. Let’s skip the gospel, and instead work our way through appointed Psalm for Ash Wednesday, Psalm 51 . Psalm 51 is the prayer King David wrote after ordering the murder of Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah. It was also one of Martin Luther’s favorite psalms. So to begin, let’s open our hymnals to Psalm 51. Here’s a little trick, all the psalms are in our hymnal. They’re the first 150 hymns. So, to find Psalm 51, just turn to hymn number 51 in your hymnal. …Got it? Okay. Let’s recite the beginning of Psalm 51 responsively , verses one through six. I’ll recite the odd verses, and you all respond by reciting the even verses. *READ V.1-6 OF PS.51* Well, this is no psalm for the faint-hearted. Is it? “My sin is ever before me. / Against you ONLY have I sinned ; and done what is evil in your sight; so that you are justified when YOU speak and right in YOUR judgement .” It...