everyone of us is counting dice that we didn't roll
& the loser is the last to ask for help The holy scripture from the book of Acts ! Well, it doesn’t take too much to connect to this Bible story, either . Does it? Here’s a man whose ailment keeps him from entering the temple. Sound familiar? And yes, we’re trying to be preventative , but the situation isn’t all that different. Whether we have it or not, an ailment is keeping us all from entering the house of God these days. We know what it’s like to be the man in today’s scripture… But, we are a DIY people, a people who prefer to do it ourselves . We like to stand on our own two feet and pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. But all this novel coronavirus stuff is calling all that up short . In fact, as our bishop put it, “viruses don’t move. People move.” In other words, what’s proliferating this disease is our own two feet! Our compulsion to try and eke out our own existence, is the very thing that’s menacing it! T...