i'm a little bit unraveled
but i'm ready A sermon on the prayer Jesus taught us, Luke 11:1-4 : Even though there’s still one last sermon in our series on the Lord’s Prayer, I’m just going to go ahead and show my hand. This entire prayer Jesus teaches us is a simple prayer. A simple prayer that is by no means easy to pray… Often we think prayer is just trying to get God to come around to our way of seeing things. In the Lord’s Prayer, though , Jesus teaches you to pray for the exact opposite ! To pray that God would hallow God’s name. That God would give us enough to eat. That God would forgive. That God would spare us… Well, you get the idea. The cumulative effect of this prayer is that God would bring us around to God’s way of doing things! Which is tough to pray for, isn’t it? I know from experience; you and I like to be the ones who are in control —the ones who are in charge . For as difficult as all this is to pray for, though, it’s the petition I left o...