from now on just let the universe be your shelter
from the enemy A sermon on Revelation 21 & 22 : I remember in college when I was going through some tough times. My pastor noticed what my real problem was. And it wasn’t my circumstances. It was how I was trying to fix them. “All your old survival skills aren’t going to serve you anymore .” He said. “You’re going to have to learn some new one.” And he was right. Everything I was doing to try and fix my situation was only making it worse . You ever been there? Those disorienting times when all your old skills don’t work anymore. When they only make everything worse . We all have. In fact, it’s a part of a pattern called “the hero journey.” And even if you don’t know the formula, you are familiar with it. It’s been made famous by George Lucas and the Star Wars films. In the hero’s journey the hero is thrust into some circumstance where they must adapt to new surroundings in order to survive. And it’s like that for us when we go through some life-alterin...