you don't owe me one more minute
of your wasted time The holy Gospel according to St. Luke (13:1-9, 31-35) ! The only thing worse than having a tough time, is knowing you’re having a tough time. Worst of all, though, is having a tough time, knowing it, BUT not knowing how to get out of it. Productivity-gurus call this a “ vicious cycle.” The way trouble feeds on itself to create more trouble. It’s a nifty little phrase, “ vicious cycle.” And it’s nice to have words to describe what you’re going through when you find yourself caught in one. But , it’s a bit of cold comfort. Isn’t it? After all, it doesn’t do much good to know how deep of a hole you’re in and how powerless you are to get out of it. If, heaven forbid, should you ever find yourself in such a cycle, you would want more than someone saying, “Golly, it sounds like you’re in a vicious cycle.” Wouldn’t you? No, you’d want to identify the source of your trouble and cut it out of your life—a lot like the owner of the vineyard in today...