someone's got to go find the truth
if you change The holy gospel according to St. Luke, the 19th chapter ! This and last year’s Palm Sunday presented a particular challenge for me . You see, I’ve been schooled in the tradition of Palm/ Passion Sunday. Not just Palm Sunday. The logic of adding the Passion into Palm Sunday is to reduce the likelihood we’ll go directly from the ‘ Glory, Laud, and Honor ’ of Palm Sunday into the glorious victory of Easter Sunday. If you avoid the darkness, distress, and downright doom of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, you are not only missing the power of Jesus’ empty tomb. You are also robbing yourself of the opportunity to reckon with those ambiguous dimensions of your own life. The problem , though, is there’s no good way to try and fit the Passion into an at-home Palm Sunday service. Maybe there’s never been a good way to shoehorn the Passion into Palm Sunday, and life in the time of COVID is just making that apparent. Either way, all we can observe today is the festivities...