but it never did occur to me to leave 'til tonight
there's no one left to ask if i'm alright A sermon on Job's prayers : Last week we made the somewhat provocative statement that Job was losing his religion. Well, this week, Job doesn’t walk that back an inch. In fact, if anything, he doubles down. Just to be clear, though , the religion Job is losing isn’t much of a religion at all. It’s a religion that assumes a mostly absent God. A God who is just there to occasionally check in and see if you’re behaving. And then , and only then, to try and help make life turn our accordingly . Now I know when I say it like that , it sounds ridiculously crude . The truth is, though , for the most part, this is the religious assumption we all carry around with us. We all have this working formula that presumes the degree to which life is going our way is fundamentally contingent upon our behavior. Like Job and his friends, we are all susceptible to falling into this faux religion. Job, however, has been shake...