theologians they don't know nothin' about my soul
they thin my heart with little things & my life with change A sermon on Jesus' trial before Pilate We’ve all heard that the church and state are a deadly mix. I’m enlightening no one by saying politics and religion are a combustible combination. However , in today’s passage, we see these two forces are plenty fatal all on their own . Although not fatal in any active way. No, what’s really so lethal about these two implements is their ineffectiveness . Their ineffectiveness. The violence is set in motion with a religious concern. The church leaders can’t bring their accusations against Jesus to Pilate. The problem is, if they were to set foot in Pilate’s profane headquarters, they would be defiled . And if that were to happen, these clergy wouldn’t be able to preside at the upcoming high-holy day. In a moment, we’ll discuss how that’s addressed. But for now, it’s enough just to notice the irony of it all. These religious teachers are desperately trying to do in Jesus, the...