& i hope, i hope you are tired out
& i know, i know there is joy endowed a sermon on Paul's harangue about religious perfectionism In today’s Scripture, Saint Paul’s talking about something we all can relate to. But he’s talking about it in a way none of us can relate to! Let’s be honest; all this talk of circumcision sounds so primitive , cultic , and, frankly, a little icky and TMI for people like us . You know, modern and sophisticated people like us . However , I can’t help but remember how I was struck dumb this summer when, in Acts 17, Saint Paul walked into the Areopagus, looked around at a bunch of people more like us than him, and said, “ Athenians , I see how extremely RELIGIOUS y’all are.” It’s as if Paul took a good long look at how the likes of us get along in this old world and couldn’t help but blurt out, “And I thought we , Jewish people, were religious ! No, you so-called modern folks have us a beat by a mile. You’re the most superstitious lot I’ve ever come upon!” The tr...