surrender my heart
i wanna be open A sermon on wise King Solomon and all his folly : The LORD appears TO Solomon in a dream by night. And then, who knows why, offers Solomon carte blanche . Ask what I should GIVE you ,” ORDERS the Lord of heaven and earth. What would you do in such a situation? And keep in mind, your answer, like Solomon’s, will reveal a lot about you. Maybe more than you’d like. Turns out, more is at stake here than a mere windfall. Solomon doesn’t just stand to gain his heart’s desire. He also stands to reveal just what it is his heart really CHASES after. And when you consider it like that , it’s hard not to be at least a little grateful you weren’t in Solomon’s shoes, or should I say slippers, that night. Solomon, though , was ready. When God came calling, Solomon stood tall . When he was offered what essentially amounted to a blank check, Solomon made the right decision. He could have had it all , BUT all he asked for was wisdom . Wisdom. So admirable is Solomon’s req...