comfort has failed to save us
that his love might save us A sermon on Jesus' surprising parable of the sheep and goats : Reflecting on this parable, Martin Luther said, “the world is full , FULL of God.” …At any rate, this is Jesus’ final parable. And fittingly , it’s all about the end of things. Specifically, the last judgment . And we’ve all suspected history is heading toward a final reckoning, too. Haven’t we? However , at least as far as Jesus tells it, when the sorting is complete, everyone will have been proven to have had absolutely no clue as to what they were doing! By the time Jesus , the Good Shepherd, finishes his parable, everyone , from the sheep to the goats , is surprised . And so are you . And so am I . We, too , LIKE the sheep and the goats, are flummoxed by the end of this parable. Aren’t we? That, however , is understandable . What’s more, it’s copacetic . No, better than that. It is truly felicitous that this parable surprises you and me. After all, surprise ...