blind faith, god's grace
nothing else left to impart: A sermon on the prayers of Peter and Cornelius : We’re not told why , exactly, Peter went out onto the roof to pray that noon. Are we? However, we can guess. And if you haven’t already, let me just ask, when do you pray? And I mean really pray, too. Like, skipping lunch to pray. Like, clamber out onto a roof to pray! When do you pray like that ? Because I’d be willing to bet you don’t pray like that for fun . Do you? No, you only pray like that when you’re at your wit’s end ! That sweet hour of prayer may sound like a nice IDEA. But it’s only that! Isn’t it? It’s just a NICE idea . Real prayer, on the other hand, isn’t an IDEA, nice or otherwise. No , prayer, real prayer, is born where all our nice IDEAS are laid to rest ! REAL prayer is a messy affair. Real prayer is a matter of flesh and blood . And I bet you KNOW exactly what I mean. Don’t you? It’s nice to think Peter climbed out on that roof to pray over lunch out of pie...