everything lost, we'll find
only at christmas time A sermon on St. Luke's superb Christmas Gospe l: A very Merry Christmas to you all ! You’ve done it. After a month of nonstop shopping, cooking, cleaning, wrapping, mailing, reassembling the family like a stubborn jigsaw puzzle, watching your diet, arranging your schedule like a suitcase two sizes too small , and just generally running hither and yon at a breakneck pace, you’ve finally reached the finish line! Good on ya. You’ve made it. Take a breath of relief. Savor this moment. At last, there’s nothing more for you to do . Your to-do list is happily done ! And even if everything isn’t done, savor this moment anyway . For one thing, it’s too late ! There’s nothing more you can do now . So you might as well sit back, relax , and enjoy this moment. We could use the reprieve , too. Couldn’t we? Yes, we're worn out. But the truth is, even the most prepared among us don’t have everything done. No, we all still have more left to do. ...