
Showing posts from October, 2024

what if i told you they're all lying

& i love you for who you are right now the best A sermon on that time we almost threw it away for papier-mâché “I’ve been blessed ,” he said.   I knew I heard him. But then again, I needed to double-check , just to be sure. For one thing, we, sadly, don’t speak this way anymore. Do we? For another, I let myself in, and he was napping . Perhaps I started him. Or maybe he was speaking in response to something in a dream .   But no, I had heard him right . Honestly, though, what he said was unexpected, given the circumstances . That’s why I let myself in. I don’t schedule visits. I just drop by. But typically , I knock first. Not this time, though. I let myself in because Bambi , Tim’s wife of nearly fifty years, had recently died .   The death was so fresh that the hospital bed Bambi had mostly been confined to for years was still sitting against the East side of the living room wall. And it wasn’t just that Bambi had recently died, either. It was that the Alzheimer’s that

the devil's refugee

is gonna be blinded by the light / that follows me A sermon on the Passover meal instructions at the wrong time : It may not have sounded like it, but today’s passage is a startling record scratch . Our Scripture has plopped us into a moment of eerie quiet . The great cosmic battle between Pharaoh , the divine leader of the most powerful nation in the world at the time, Egypt , and YHWH, the LORD of that no account tribe, Israel, is about to reach its fever pitch. The LORD has unleashed plague after plague on the bull -headed Pharaoh. And Pharaoh, although roughed up, isn’t about to back down.   Until, finally , the LORD God Almighty raises the hammer to let fly that last, greatest, and most terrible of all assaults; the death of all firstborns. But then, before God delivers that devastating haymaker , absolutely everything screeches to a halt ! And God stops all the action for an odd reason! The goings on aren’t paused because God is winding up. And they’re not paused beca