you thought God was an architect,
now you know He’s something like a pipe bomb, ready to blow A sermon on that time Jeremiah's sermon was destroyed : Why is it, do you suppose, that at the time we should be most open , we are so often most closed off? It’s happened to us all . Hasn’t it? We all have times when we should have listened , but instead , we raised our voices. We all have times when we should have softened , but instead , we stiffened our spin. We all have times when we should have opened our hands, but instead , we balled them into fists . We all have times when we should kept an open mind, but instead , we were hardheaded . There’s no shortage of times and places when we did the basically exact wrong thing. Don’t we? We were closed off when we should have been open . We were stubborn when we should have been understanding. We were firm when we should have been tender . Why is that? Why are we most closed off when we should be most open ? And why do we tend to do this at the most inopportune...