it takes the end of time
(it takes a long, long time) A sermon on Isaiah's prophecy that came to pass in its speaking Try to remember when you were young . I know! That’s a long time ago for some of you . Isn’t it?!? But try anyway. Ok? Now, do you recall how long it took for Christmas to come? Growing up, we would make those paper chains to count down the days until Christmas. But when you’re little , a day can be an awfully long time! Can’t it? Honestly, I remember going to the same link of the chain multiple times a day ! When you’re a child , the days to Christmas seem to go on and on . It doesn’t stay that way for long, though. Does it? When you’re young, you can’t grow up fast enough. However, you don’t even have to grow up all that much to realize how quickly it passes ! It doesn’t take long to realize it’s really a gift when time lingers . Well, I don’t make paper chains to count down the days until Christmas anymore. But we do light candles. Don’t we? And today , Gaudete Sunday, we m...