Reflections for Sunday (5/30) Pt. II

Right now I am choosing to focus on John's witness.
The lectionary text alone is a little obscure, just Jesus talking about the Spirit's coming and work. Jesus explains why the Spirit must come (we cannot bear to hear everything Jesus would say), and what the Spirit will confer (guide us to the truth, declare what is to come).

Of course, Jesus didn't just say this out of the blue. The context of this is Jesus washing the disciple's feet. Afterward he launches into one of this looooooong Johannine monologues, which this is from. After that Jesus prays for the disciples and heads for the cross.

The resources I am using right now include:

The ELCA's prayer of the day:
Almighty Creator and ever-living God:
we worship your glory, eternal Three-in-One,
and we praise your power, majestic One-in-Three.
Keep us steadfast in this faith,
defend us in all adversity,
and bring us at last into your presence,
where you live in endless joy and love,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.

Brian P. Stoffregen's exegetical notes. Particularly the sections discussing doctrine and "lived religion," how the Spirit leads, and how the Spirit declares.

The New Proclamation Commentary. Specifically the first section and the part about the Gospel.

Particularly I am interested in how Jesus says we cannot bear to hear everything he says now, but when the Spirit comes we will be lead into all the truth. Another interesting thing the New Proclamation Commentary pointed out was the presence in absence. Right now (largely due to the class's discussion) I am interested in the role of such a doctrinal concept.

I look forward to hearing what y'all have to say, and fleshing these ideas out myself.


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