The Weight of the World Singing Sorrow (and Hope)

This post on the Trinity is intrinsically related to ecology (only if readers reject platonic dualisms which separate humans from nature). This post, however, broadens the dialogue a little.

"The Liberating power of God the World's future begins in divine relatedness that is coming to articulation in the doctrine of the Trinity."

"The ineffable God cannot tolerate human oppression and suffering and thus leave (so to speak) the realm of ineffability to become one force among others working toward redemption and reconciliation."

"God enters the struggle as a concrete identity, Jesus the Son. As a concrete identity the Son can be distinguished conceptually from the ineffable source out of which the Son derived. This give the ineffable an identity it would not otherwise have had, namely a face or persona of the Father (sic)."

Holy Spirit:
"In addition, the Spirit of conviction working within us is the identifiable divine persona that opens our eyes to perceive the presence of the divine and that emboldens us to act courageously."

"All this belongs to the one divine life."

This is Ted Peters, friends. What do you think? What did these readings bring to mind? How have you seen this manifest? How does this relate to ecology? How does this relate to ecclesiology? What is helpful about this image? What is troubling about it?


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