the future descending

like a bright chandelier

*Strikes hammer against metal
It's a sort of surprising sound, isn't it?
And it certainly isn't a sound we expect to hear here, right now; is it?

*Strikes hammer against metal
No, the sound is a little too abrasive for this calm service.
This sound is not fitting here, now.

*Strikes hammer against metal
The sound we expect these days is the gentle ringing of the jingle-bells.
Yes, that sound is more suited for the season...

As Christmas approaches, we anticipate the coming feast with jingle-bells, not the sound of metal upon metal;
but Isaiah tells us the Prince of Peace comes
*Strikes hammer against metal
with this sound;
*Strikes hammer against metal
the sound of weapons being beat into gardening tools...

Just as the sound of metal upon metal isn't what we expect to hear;
this God destroying weapons instead of enemies, is not what we expect either;
it surprises us...
God has a way of doing that, of always surprising us.

No, God's ways are rarely what we expect;
but as we wondered together last week; maybe what we're not expecting is exactly what we need...

That's how it always seems to go with God;
we never expect it.
*Strikes hammer against metal

In fact, that is exactly what Jesus confirms to the disciples today in the Gospel:
"About that day, about that hour no one knows."
*Strikes hammer against metal

Stay awake.
*Strikes hammer against metal

Be ready.
*Strikes hammer against metal

Our response to this sound,
*Strikes hammer against metal
just as our response to these words of Jesus,
*Strikes hammer against metal
reveal that Jesus' analysis is not only spot-on;
but that we would also do well to heed Jesus' exhortation to us;
us, the most unsuspecting of all people...

After all, it is Advent; so it is altogether right and salutary that we should "be ready..."
*Strikes hammer against metal

Here is a little example of how we would do well to attend to Jesus' words; there is a scene in those "Left Behind" movies depicting these words of Jesus.
We're all familiar with the scene. You know the image; two folks sitting together and suddenly the one who is the "True Christian" disappears; leaving behind those dirty and dumb unbelievers,
or maybe you've seen the bumper-sticker, "In the case of a rapture, this car will be unmanned."
This depiction of Jesus' words must be one of the more terrible interpretations of Jesus' words!
Just listen to what Jesus himself says, the one who is taken is NOT the believer, but the unprepared one. Jesus' analogy likens the ones who disappear to the unprepared folks who weren't on Noah's ark...
The problem is the simple fact that such an obviously wrong reading has made it into some B-film,
and that when we hear these words of Jesus, we're also just as quick to imagine these words of Jesus as some kind of divine threat, reveal that Jesus is right; we're not prepared and we need to get ready...

This way we all imagine God working,
how we all hear Jesus' words,
reveal that Jesus was right,
we're not ready, and we desperately need to heed Jesus' advice, we need to get prepared

Us, who are so quick to turn the words of our savior into a threat, reveal how unprepared we are for the savior to show up this Christmas.

Here is why we would do well to really listen to Jesus' command; because Jesus isn't making threats, but rather offering promises;

Jesus is saying,
you bean-counters out there,
*Strikes hammer against metal
you who imagine God is just waiting to consume the world with wrath,
*Strikes hammer against metal
you who have trouble loving yourself,
*Strikes hammer against metal
you who think if God knew the "real you" God wouldn't be so loving,
*Strikes hammer against metal
"you," Jesus says;
be ready.
*Strikes hammer against metal

Be ready,
You be ready.
Be ready because the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour.

Be ready,
because the unexpected God is on the loose;
in the unexpected hour,
at the unexpected place,
to the unsuspecting sinner...

When you're dragged to church,
*Strikes hammer against metal
when it feels like your life is falling apart,
*Strikes hammer against metal
when your best isn't enough,
*Strikes hammer against metal
at the cross,
*Strikes hammer against metal
to you, to me, to us;
*Strikes hammer against metal
God comes...

For us bean-counters out there,
storing up the good-deeds in the bank,
and trying to keep those bad-deeds as hidden as possible,
be ready because there's a thief prowling;
and this thief is never the one we'd expect: God.

That's how Jesus says it goes, though,
and since Jesus has told us what to expect,
Jesus expects us to be ready.
*Strikes hammer against metal

That's it,
finally we don't, we never
expect God to quit the business of being godly,
to become a decidedly ungodly creation, a human;
and we certainly would never expect that God-human to resort to thievery, we would never expect that divine God to get sullied all for the godless.

That's exactly what Jesus says happens, though
how Jesus says God works;
whether we expect it, or not...

That's always how it goes for sinners-in-denial, like me and you;
we never expect God to show up like this,
we expect a God-wielding weapons,
we expect a God too dignified for breaking and entering;
but God works in ways we're not expecting;
thank God.

This one we wait on during Advent, Jesus;
has given us a glimpse into the mind, into the heart of God,
and so then, this Jesus calls us to be ready for this unexpected thing God is doing...

Advent is here, and Jesus exhorts us,
"be ready,"
be ready for God, the divine thief, to break into that bank of saints and sinners, all to steal away the sinners;
*Strikes hammer against metal
to save them, to save us, to save me, to save you.
*Strikes hammer against metal

Be ready because God,
is so interested in getting near you,
in being God for you,
that God will not only cease being godly and become a human,
but God will even quit being just by resorting to thievery to steal you.

So, "be ready," it will happen at an unexpected hour.
Be ready, because the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour,
*Strikes hammer against metal
Right now, as you sit in a pew you've sat in any number of times before,
right now, as you thought you were just coming to church,
right now, as you thought today was a day like any other,
the Son of Man comes.
*Strikes hammer against metal

The Son of Man comes at the unexpected hour!
*Strikes hammer against metal
*Strikes hammer against metal
*Strikes hammer against metal

NOW God steals you,
NOW you belong to God.
The unexpected person,
in the unexpected place,
at the unexpected hour;
you, here and now.

Advent begins now,
*Strikes hammer against metal
God quits all that godly business now,
God is on the loose prowling for unsuspecting sinners now,
be prepared for anything,
it's Advent;
be ready.
*Strikes hammer against metal


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