
Showing posts from October, 2015

& sent me out in vain to find

a cross to high for you to climb The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark ! Where do you stand?  Whether you like it or not, this is a question life will put to you in so many ways. What shape are your savings in? Where do you work and what’s your position? How old are you? What’s your income? Are you employed? What’s your marital status? What kind of shape are you in? How much volunteer work do you do? What extracurriculars are your kids in? What kind of grades do you get? And on, and on, and on… In one way or another, this life is always putting the question to you; ‘where do you stand.’ It is a question we all wonder about, a question we all try to figure out the answer to, ourselves. It’s a question the Brothers Zebedee have on their mind, too; you know… In today’s Gospel we see them come up to Jesus, and ask where they stand.  In fact , they ask Jesus to promise and grant them the position of second-in-command when Jesus inevitably comes into...

gonna build you a cathedral

out of nothing but the rafters The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark the 10th chapter ! I remember one day after cross-country practice, my freshman year in high school, I saw a sight to behold; the intricacies of dating in high school… A senior from the football team, came walking across the parking lot. This guy was too cool for school, you know what I mean? There was a group of cheerleaders splitting up the posters they were going to hang on the lockers, before the game on Friday. I would have melted even trying to say “hi,” to that flock, but this guy just walked into the middle of their circle. Then, self-assured what the answer would be, asked one of the girls to the homecoming dance. She eyed him over, blew a lazy bubble with grape bubble-yum, the gum of choice then. And, after popping that bubble, she said, “drop dead” and walked to her car. For the way her words cut right through the guy’s cool, she could have said “Drop Dead, thus saith the prophet....

but you know a little more than they were sure was in the golden rule

be good to everybody, be a strength to the weak The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark ! In today’s Gospel folks are bringing children to Jesus. Before they can get to Jesus, though, the disciples take action.  “Get these kids out of here,” they bark. “Jesus is teaching right now; they’re going to cause a commotion. Send them away so they don’t distract us,” the disciples say sternly.  Now, of course when Jesus sees the calloused and insensitive behavior of the disciples, he’s incensed. And us right along with him … …Only, and I’m just saying, but I wonder if we really are.  I mean, I’ve been a pastor for a while now. I’ve overheard the murmurs. I’ve seen the way a fidgety kiddo can rankle us all.  For as precious as they can be when they’re sleeping; we all know what holy terrors children so often are. They fidget, and distract us from the sermon. They fuss, and we can’t hear the beautiful offertory. They come in with their juice an...

his promises shall never be unmade...

though we wait, we do not wait in vain. The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark! Why are you here today? Have you even stopped to give the question much thought? … Well then, why are you here?!? You might be tempted to some sort of humility ; to say that you’re here because, by now, it’s just habit. You might think that your parents raised you to be a good lutheran, so that is just what you do, you get ready on a Sunday morning and you show up to church. You might think, the only reason you’re here is because your spouse insists it’s important.  Or, you perhaps you admit you’d rather not be here, that you’re only here because your parents made you come. Maybe the only reason you’re here is because those little delinquents of your’s, could use a little religion for once.  Or maybe you have other motives. Maybe you’re here because you’re lonely this morning, and having coffee with some old friends on a Sunday morning sounded like the nicest thing in t...