his promises shall never be unmade...
though we wait, we do not wait in vain.
Why are you here today?
Have you even stopped to give the question much thought?
Well then, why are you here?!?
You might be tempted to some sort of humility; to say that you’re here because, by now, it’s just habit. You might think that your parents raised you to be a good lutheran, so that is just what you do, you get ready on a Sunday morning and you show up to church. You might think, the only reason you’re here is because your spouse insists it’s important.
Or, you perhaps you admit you’d rather not be here, that you’re only here because your parents made you come. Maybe the only reason you’re here is because those little delinquents of your’s, could use a little religion for once.
Or maybe you have other motives. Maybe you’re here because you’re lonely this morning, and having coffee with some old friends on a Sunday morning sounded like the nicest thing in the world. Perhaps the only reason you’re here is because you’re trying to impress the person sitting at your arm, with your good god-fearing character.
Who knows…
Regardless, one way or another, all those answers, boil down to the assumption that the only reason you’re here, is because of probability.
See, the world has trained us all to think in terms of statistics. We think everything can be explained by analyzing the numbers and their factos.
So it goes with our presence here, too. We think the only reason we’re here and not somewhere else, the only reason we’re here and not someone else, is just a matter of odds.
In other words, that it’s all random, really. That we’re just here by chance.
We think the only reason we’re here is because some factor determined our decision…
Well, let me tell you today, in the name of Christ, something different, something that is at odds with that explanation of your’s; the only reason you’re here today is because God called you.
You’ve been called. Called in spite of yourselves, sure; but called nonetheless.
Got it?
You’re called?
In the name of Christ, as the one ordained to proclaim to you God’s Word to you, here this: you’re called.
Are we clear?
Now listen, don’t feel bad about your mistake.
Really, it’s understandable. All your life the world has told you that statistics, factors, probability is how you are going to make sense of everything.
And, you’re in good company in your misunderstanding!
The disciples too, they thought that is how the world works.
In the Gospel today, the disciples are going along their way, and they see someone managing to pull off a feat they had just failed at; casting out demons.
So you can bet they’re watching closely to see how it’s done.
As they’re watching, they can’t help but notice, that this exorcist is using Jesus’ name to send the demon packing.
They look a little closer, but no; they don’t recognize this guy. This rogue exorcist hasn’t been through the paces. He hasn’t given up everything to follow Jesus, he hasn’t heard Jesus call, either.
So they try to stop him.
And it’s a sensible enough thing to do; really. Given how the world tells us to understand everything, the disciples, just like you, can’t make sense of that statistics. Probability can’t explain how that exorcist got Jesus’ name to cast out the demon!
The disciples, like you, misunderstand the radical nature of God’s call. God’s call can’t be explained, not by factors or probability anyway. It’s just the gracious thing God has done, in spite of ourselves to be sure. The only way the faithful have ever figure out how to speak of God’s call is to say it is a wonderful mystery, election, the thing God loves to do!
Well, unable to stop or understand the exorcist, the disciples run to Jesus like the little tattle-tales they are. “Jesus,” they whine, “we saw someone…”
Only Jesus meets their protests with mild frustration.
“C’mon fellas, don’t do that. Don’t try to stop him. Jeez!”
Don’t try to stop the guy, Jesus says, because no one will be able to do a deed of power in his name, and then turn around and speak evil of him.
In other words, that rogue exorcist, is right where Jesus wants him. The poor guy is about to realize; in spite of himself, sure; that Jesus has gotten to him.
Jesus is telling the disciples that it is only a matter of time before that scamp joins their ranks. Before that exorcist knows it, he won’t be able to say anything, but Jesus’ praises.
Here he was, just doing a cool trick; and before he knew it; heck, before the disciples knew it; Jesus got to him.
This exorcist for hire, is about to find that he’s been called; just like you.
This is what God loves to do, folks.
And trust me, I am speaking from experience here.
When I was baptized, randomly in a lutheran church, my folks didn’t have much, if any, ambition to bring me to church again. They were just making grandma happy. In fact, I never set foot in that church again. But it was all God needed. And, when I did happen to find myself in a lutheran church again, it was only because I was trying to impress my girlfriend in college, Johanna Niebuhr (how’s that for a good lutheran name?). But that was all God needed too.
See, like that exorcist; heck, like any of us, are here is because long ago —or maybe not so long ago— a deed of power, in Jesus’ name, was done to us.
You, you were baptized in Jesus name!
And because of that deed of power, just like that rogue exorcist, it’s too late for you.
You’re been going along your way, half-heartedly to be sure, trying to figure out whatever factor it was that brought you here today, trying to figure out if there’s any payoff in the numbers.
And while I’m standing up here, telling you that’s all wrong; Jesus just shows up and says, “don’t stop them. It won’t be long. Soon afterward they won’t be able to speak evil of me, they won’t be able to do a thing, but sing my praises. I’ve got this.”
Well, maybe “soon afterward” has already happened to you, or perhaps you don’t have the sense to realize that the trap has been sprung. Either way, it’s too late for you, Jesus has you exactly where he wants you, and there isn’t a rotten thing you can do about it!
You’re here because God has called you to be here.
So let me ease up, I’ll refrain from stopping you; go ahead and think what you want. It’s wrong to be sure, but when has that ever stopped you from holding some crazy idea?
No, it’s too late for you. You’re called.
It’s only a matter of time now. Before you know it, you won’t be able to speak evil of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, a deed of power has been done to you. It’s too late for you. In your baptism, Jesus got to you; amen.
…Jesus was right wasn’t he? Now you can’t speak evil of Jesus anymore either, can you?
Well, say what you can then, with me, Amen.
Amen, you’re called. Jesus got to you, it’s too late for you. You can’t speak evil of him anymore; it just isn’t possible because of this thing that has been done to you. Amen.
Amen. Let’s say it together, “amen.”
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