everybody's got a hunger

a hunger they can't resist

a sermon from Isaiah 55:

Well, time is quickly running out; isn’t it?
All that’s left are seven measly days before Christmas… 

Are you ready?
Do you have everything in order? Are the gifts bought and wrapped? Are the lights up? Have you decided on the menu? Are all the ingredients in the cupboards? Is the schedule set? Are the in-laws happy with it? Do you think the kids will survive it all without a meltdown?
*Are you stressed out yet? Or is it too late for that, even?
Yes, time is quickly running out. And the truth is we’re not ready, are we? Not yet, anyway. 
We’re counting on these seven last days. We need them if we’re going to get everything done in time! There’s so much to do, and every second helps…

And I hate to say it, but why should this season be any different from the rest? 
Because we live our lives by the clock, don’t we? All the appointments to keep. The deadlines to make. The seconds to sneak under.
This season just amplifies what we already know; that we’re running out of time

And it’s a terrible thing to run out of time, too; isn’t it? To show up late. To miss the appointment. To arrive without a covered dish.
We spend our lives fighting the clock…

Advent means “arrival,” but our Lord and Savior specializes in untimely arrivals…

That’s the thing about today’s prophecy; isn’t it? We’re not ready to hear it! Yes, it’s welcome, only not now. It’s too early for messages about the great feast we’ll all sit down to—that doesn’t happen until next week!

Sure, the feast Isaiah describes sounds good; but we’ve got plenty to do before then!
Yes, we’re looking forward to that banquet when all our loves ones gather around the table; and for an hour or so, we’ll get to enjoy a meal that’s more than a meal. A meal where all is set right and we are truly satisfied. 

But, before that can happen, we’ve got a to-do list a mile long!
It’s a nice sentiment, but the timing’s all wrong…

And yet! 
And yet while we’re rushing from one thing to the next, counting the hours we have left; Isaiah bursts in! Telling us the guest of honor has arrived. 

Before we’ve had a chance to clean the toilets or vacuum the rugs; Jesus comes asking where the good china is and filling the red dixie cups with his special reserve!
A full week early, Jesus comes with the Christmas feast in hand!
Before we’ve even lit all four of the Advent candles; Jesus comes singing “Joy to the World.”

I know you thought you had more time; but Isaiah says otherwise. Yet again, you ran out of time…

And what I’ve come to learn is; that’s just the way Jesus likes it…
After all, the most persistent charge against him had to do with timing; didn’t it?
He worked at the wrong time. He preformed miracles on the sabbath.
Jesus always messes with our calendars, our schedules…

Today’s unseasonable prophecy declares that God’s way are not our ways. And as Jesus shows up a full week early today; could anything be more obvious?
No, God’s ways are not our ways; because God refuses to work by the one thing we order our lives by; the calendar. 

Advent means “arrival,” but our Lord and Savior specializes in untimely arrivals…

We live our lives by the clock; don’t we? The appointments to keep. Deadlines to make. And seconds to sneak under. 
But Jesus shows up refusing to play by those rules. Or, frankly, any rules!

While we’re busy trying to check off every box on the to-do list; Jesus arrives and just tears the thing to shreds!
And that’s no accident! No coincidence…

Beloved, Jesus refuses to allow you the time to get ready. To be prepared.
In fact; he takes time away to get you…

Ready or not: the prophet declares. Jesus is at the door and he’s ready to take his place at the table and enjoy the Christmas feast. Before the turkey’s thawed; Jesus shows up!

After all these years; Isaiah’s prophecy is still no more welcome. It’s a nice message, it’s just the timing hasn’t gotten any better!

Yes, the promise is more than welcome. I mean, has there ever been a word more fitting on the day right before we start that last dash into Christmas?
“(Y)ou that have no money, come, buy and eat!
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food.”

Yes; this message rings louder than all the silver bells out there. But it rings too early!
We’re not ready for this feast. Not yet, anyway. Not now.

Advent means “arrival,” but our Lord and Savior specializes in untimely arrivals…

We’re heading into Christmas. And from here, it’ll be a sprint if we’re going to get everything done. But today, before we have a chance to get ready, Jesus shows up with the Christmas feast in hand. 
And that’s exactly the way he planned it. 
Yes! Jesus planned to come early! He planned to visit you before you were ready!

And isn’t that what the Christmas message is? 
That Jesus was born to actually, to really, save you. 
To do what we weren’t ready to. To come to those times and places when we’re not ready. To bring the salvation himself, without our preparations.
After all, what does running out to time mean? Except, there is nothing more to do.
Beloved, you are saved! There’s nothing more you need to do! 

Ready, or not; Jesus comes!
Jesus comes bringing the Christmas feast himself. Not next week, but now!
And really bringing it, too! Bringing all the goods that make this season merry and bright. He does this, not by pulling the turkey out of the oven at just the right moment, but by bringing the love of God that thaws our cold hearts. He does this, not by getting the to-do list done for one blessed day, but by giving you all time in the world! Leaving the divine to-do list on the counter to be with you!
Folks, that’s what love looks like!

So you who are thirsty; hungry for that; Jesus comes with meal full of what you’ve been longing for; God’s love. God’s love that doesn’t for one second hold back or wait!

Here’s the deal none of us could have been ready for; the way Jesus brings all this; is by making a mess of our calendar! You see, that’s how salvation happens!
By undoing our to-do lists! By showing up a full week early. Before Advent is over, even! By coming to our house before we’ve had a chance to put them in order!

This is what makes the Gospel, really good. Truly for you. 
That it comes, not when you're ready. When you’re not put together. Before you’ve even had a chance to realize you need what Jesus has to give! 
As John put it; we love Jesus because he first loved us! Before we were ready!

Finally, in the end, it turns out it’s the BEST thing to run out of time!
For then you are finally free. Free of the deadlines and to-do lists. 
For then scripture is finally fulfilled. The words Jesus announce in Revelation come to pass for you; “Time is no more!”

And as that happens, all that’s left is everything Jesus has set out for you since before the foundations of time. The feast that has no end. 

Ready, or not, says the prophet. Here comes your savior; now even! Here, even!
Time’s up!
Too late actually!
When you weren’t ready! Before you were prepared; Jesus came!

Advent means “arrival,” but our Lord and Savior specializes in untimely arrivals…


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