you fight
i fight
A sermon on 1 John 3:11-24:
Their preacher tells them not be surprised, or “astonished.”
But that is the kind of advice that always comes just a little too late, isn’t it? We’re always told not to be surprised, a second or two after we’ve been laid out by some punch we didn’t see coming!
That’s how surprises work…
And so far that’s all their preacher has told them; surprising stuff. Promises that would astonish the most stone-faced of us:
Like Jesus choosing their struggling congregation to take up residence.
Like, despite losing EVERY battle, they’re destined to win the war!
Believe it or not, though, that’s NOT what’s surprising the folks in the pew that Sunday…
I’ve already told you how big of a sucker I am for sports movies: Rudy, Chariots of Fire, Miracle. But my favorite sports movie has to be Rocky. Especially the first Rocky, and the newest iteration: Creed.
Creed is about Apollo Creed’s son, Adonis.
There’s so much to like about Creed, but one of my favorite parts has to be how the conflict is depicted. The scene that lays all this out is when Rocky takes Adonis in front of a mirror to review his stance.
While Adonis looks at his reflection, Rocky taps the mirror and asks, “You see this guy here, staring back at you? That’s your toughest opponent. Every time you get into the ring that’s who you’re going against…”
And as the movie progresses you’re shown that IS the very real opponent EVERY character must face. Adonis with his namesake. The love-interest with her prognosis. Rocky with his grief.
What’s so compelling about that is, the way we can all relate.
The real struggle we all have to attend to, is the one that rages within us. Isn’t it?
But that’s also a realization we NEVER see coming. It tends to surprise us, doesn’t it?
And that’s what’s surprised the folks in the pew that morning, too.
Sure, the promise that Jesus was right there with them as they struggled, hit them like a left hook. And yes, the promise that Jesus was busy give them his victory while they lost everything else, left them reeling.
But the haymaker that really laid them out, the one they never saw coming, was the person they had to step into the ring with… themselves.
Remember, how I talked about who the folks were that were giving this congregation trouble?
How it wasn’t some atheist out there trying to prove them wrong. That it wasn’t even the well-meaning person who said they wanted to go to church, but spent every Sunday morning in the coffee shop sipping lattes instead.
Rather, the folks who really had it out for the congregation, were people who used to be members! People who used to sit shoulder to shoulder with them on Sunday mornings. Who used to go to their potlucks. Used to pass the peace with them. Used to pledge to the budget!
Those folks were the ones who gave the congregation trouble!
Because when they left, they didn’t go quietly. They let everyone know why they were leaving. They made threats about taking their offering with them.
And then, when the congregation stumbled, when they began to struggle, those folks could only gloat…
And that, that was the punch that blindsided them. It was as surprising, as it was painful. The trouble didn’t come from OUTSIDE their four walls. It came from WITHIN them!
And that still shocks us. Doesn’t it?
Not that the folks who would give the congregation so much trouble were former members, but that the real threat to OUR faith isn’t someone else. That it’s not OUT there. But rather that it’s within the walls of our OWN ribcage…
—The way we’re so often our own worst enemies.
As shocking as it is, though, we’ve all suspected it to be the truth. Haven’t we?
We’ve discovered who it is that would keep up from laying down our own lives for our brothers and sisters. And it’s us. Ourselves.
…Now I’m not going to use any more time trying to convince you of that. Scripture witnesses to it. And, since you’re already here, I’m going to take for granted you have at least some suspicion that the enemies lies close at hand.
And anyway, we don’t need our pastors standing in front of us merely describing the problem, do we? When we come here already worried we might be the problem, only to have the pastor spend the sermon saying so, it’s kind of like getting hit below the belt. Isn’t it?
Because what we need is to hear the Good News. A Word capable of saving us from whatever it is that would knock us out for the count! A Word capable of ending the fight that rages within us.
So, if you’re here, and it’s no great surprise that you’re the one making your own life harder. If it’s not shocking to you to hear that the reason you won’t lay down your life is; well, you; then get ready for the punch that’ll put you on the ropes.
Jesus promises to bring the fight to you! Your heart is the main ring, as far as Jesus is concerned!
“By this we know that he abides IN us, by the Spirit that he has given us.”
Jesus sends his Spirit where the fight happens; your heart!
At the cross, when Jesus breathed his last —that breath was not in vain. It was like gas. It filled the world! When Jesus breathed his last and commended his’ Spirit, it got loose! And now that Spirit is getting into the likes of you and me! Going where we need it most; our hearts!
And there the Spirit is doing what it always does; leading Jesus. Leading Jesus to those places we need him most. Those places where the real opponent fights; inside.
And there, Jesus promises to do the fighting for YOU!
Anytime Jesus finds himself in the presence of Death, Darkness or the Devil, he can’t help picking a fight! No matter where that might be!
Jesus is a prize fighter, but not like boxers these days—who only take the fight if the payout is big enough. Jesus goes anywhere and everywhere! He’s not picky. The stakes can be high or low. The stage can be big or small. But whenever and wherever the Evil One dares to show his face, The Spirit sends Jesus to lace up his gloves and do away with darkness!
And not only does the Spirit send Jesus fight where the battle is really waged, in the lowliness of our hearts; Jesus isn’t too proud to bring his best to that humble bout, either!
Jesus never holds anything back! He leaves it all on the ring every time!
That’s what we mean when we say Jesus laid down his life! He gave his all! He held nothing back!
Every time the Evil One shows his face, Jesus gives his all, all over again!
So you who have had the Evil One take the fight to you, know this: in these Words the Spirit is sending Jesus to you, to do battle in your stead! Where you are weakest, Jesus will be strongest for you! Here and now, in the dark corners of your heart, as you hear these Words The Old Foe meets his match, once and for all!
Jesus will pull no punches when it comes to you and your heart!
But! But, he does pull them when it comes to the Evil One! Jesus doesn’t fight fair when it comes to the Evil One. He hits below the belt and lands his sucker punches.
Because Jesus doesn’t fight for his own glory. He lays down his life for You!
YOU! You are the title Jesus intends to take home! YOU are the glory he lives and dies for! YOU are what his will is set on having!
Is there a battle going on inside of you today? Are you like me, are there corners of your heart where the Evil One puts you on the ropes?
Since you’re here, I’ll assume so.
Which makes me the announcer. So, “let’s get ready to rumble!” as they say. Because Jesus is your prizefighter, and he comes to do battle for you!
Whenever and wherever the battle rages within you, and you get yourself within earshot of a preacher, the Spirit sends Jesus comes to fight for you! In the industry, Jesus would be referred to as, “shopworn.” In other words, he’s taken a beating.
But that it what he came for! To lay down his life. Lay it down for YOU!
Whatever you need to be saved from, Jesus comes to do battle with it! There is no sin too dark for him. Nothing and nowhere Jesus won’t go to end the fight that goes on within you!
When the Spirit tested Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days, Jesus overcame the battle that matters, the one that rages within! And so when Death and the Devil did battle with him, he was ready! And three days later he came out the other side, victorious!
And now he gives that victory to you! Your heart is Jesus’ trophy room. Where he brings his victory to bear, forever. Where it abides.
Today the prizefight happens for your soul, and Jesus is the dark horse who shows up riding the white stallion! And he brings his golden gloves, which are his wounded hands, to do battle for you. To set you free.
So, let’s get ready to rumble!
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