following jesus isn't as hard as we make it
bu t it is more challenging than we treat it ... I know for many of us the process to figuring out what we’re doing together feels like we’re constantly taking one step forward and two steps back. And it's frustrating, I know. We all want things finalized. We don't like living with this uncertainty. I get that. But let me confess, I also worry we want a decision so we can get our own way; or make our exit if things don't go our way. And while I know there are many other reasons we want a decision, I worry two of our biggest aren’t particularly compelling or faithful... I know how hard living with this uncertainty is, it’s hard on me too! But the deal is; if we're going to make a decision, we need a good reason for making this decisions. What I mean is, our reason will be the foundation we build on. We need our foundation to be strong. After all, if our foundation is weak, everything we build off of that will be weak too. Did...