following jesus isn't as hard as we make it

but it is more challenging than we treat it...

I know for many of us the process to figuring out what we’re doing together feels like we’re constantly taking one step forward and two steps back. And it's frustrating, I know. We all want things finalized. 
We don't like living with this uncertainty. I get that. But let me confess, I also worry we want a decision so we can get our own way; or make our exit if things don't go our way.
And while I know there are many other reasons we want a decision, I worry two of our biggest aren’t particularly compelling or faithful...

I know how hard living with this uncertainty is, it’s hard on me too! But the deal is; if we're going to make a decision, we need a good reason for making this decisions. 
What I mean is, our reason will be the foundation we build on. We need our foundation to be strong. After all, if our foundation is weak, everything we build off of that will be weak too. 
Didn't Jesus tell a parable about that? (Matthew 7:24-27)
I’ll be honest, I worry if we don’t focus on the foundation; we won’t stand a chance. 
I really think we could hammer out a decision tomorrow. But I also think it’s a real possibility we could base our decision on a weak reason; a weak foundation. Then we'll wind up with a decision, but be weaker for it!

So let me make a proposal; let's work on the foundations, and see what comes from there.
Let's work on loving each other more than our buildings.
Let’s work on loving Jesus more than our cliques.
Let's work on trusting each other more than the bottom line.
Let’s work on trusting Jesus more than brick and mortar. 
Let’s try and get joy from singing together rather than singing our personal favorite hymn.
Let’s try and get joy from praising Jesus together rather than praising him on our own.
Let's try and find our hope in our fellowship rather than a strategic plan.
Let’s try and find our hope in Jesus rather than numbers.

I know this is hard. Living amidst uncertainty, AND working on foundations is hard. 
But I hope you know I only want us to do this because I believe that’s where our best shot is. Us, our fellowship, is truly the strongest asset Jesus has given us! 
And honestly, I believe we have it in us. I think we’re up to this!
So here’s my pledge; I’ll work on trusting you all more, and intentionally earning your trust in return. 

As good as what I want may sound, what Jesus promises is even better! 
When Peter pointed out everything he had left to follow, Jesus replied, “no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for the sake of the good news, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this age— houses, brothers and sisters, mothers and children, and fields, with persecutions…” (Mark 10:29-30).
Jesus was talking about us! 
We are the family, shelter and security Jesus promises! 
What we’re up to is hard, but Jesus hasn’t left us empty handed. He has given us each other and our fellowship as a testimony to his goodness! 
So let’s build on that!


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