rest eternal grant her, o lord
& light perpetual shine upon her
Paradox is an old Christian word. A paradox is something that is an apparent contradiction, but in reality is actually true!
For instance the expression, “cruel to be kind.”
On the face of it, it’s a contradiction; cruel and kind are opposites. But, in reality there are circumstances where to the kindest thing to do is be cruel. An apparent contradiction that in reality, is not! A paradox.
And as I’ve been thinking about Kathleen, I’ve been thinking about paradoxes. Because honestly, I think paradox is as good of a way understand Kahleen, the woman we lay to rest today, as there is…
Because Kathleen was considerate and fun-loving. She was thoughtful and easygoing.
At the heart of who Kathleen was, is a an apparent contradiction: she had a fun side, and she had a worrisome side, too. AND, they were often tied up together…
Like how she loved rooting for the Cubs, but couldn’t watch the games because the excitement was too much!
An apparent contradiction; but in Kathleen it was true. Wasn’t it?
This paradox of her’s, this seeming contradiction, gives us greater clarity into what was so special about Kathleen. The way she took things seriously, even when it could make life a little harder for her.
The way she would worry about us, for instance.
How she always wanted to make sure she wasn’t imposing. Or how, when she had one of us over, she wanted to make sure we had a good time. Going out for dinner and playing games.
That’s the thing about Kathleen; while her concern for us could make life harder for her, she was willing to do that. Do that for us. For you.
Isn’t that wonderful? What a legacy to leave.
The best way we can honor Kathleen today would be do something that isn’t easy for us on behalf of someone we care about.
But at the heart of Kathleen’s legacy is an apparent contradiction, isn’t there?
What gave Kathleen joy, could ALSO be the thing that made life harder for her; her relationships.
Kathleen could worry, couldn’t she? But she worried because she cared.
Her worry and joy were wrapped up. Wrapped up in you who are here today.
An apparent contradiction, but in reality a truth. A paradox!
Whenever I visited Kathleen, after our initial greetings, she would always spend time catching me up on you all. Telling me about her connections to you. Showing me pictures and Christmas cards. Telling me about births and new jobs.
She would do this, even as she would worry about making a call to one of you, because she didn’t want to bother anyone. Not that she could have.
She would do this even as she worried about not wanting to take too much of my time!
What a thoughtful woman…
This apparent contradiction in Kathleen, this paradox, gives us a glimpse into who she was; a woman who truly cared. Cared even when it wasn’t easy.
Kathleen cherished relationships so deeply, because she let herself feel the full weight of them. She knew how much effort goes into relationships, and she let herself feel that full force.
Kathleen could worry about us. And, she could have just avoided that worry by avoiding us; but she wouldn’t. She cared too much.
A paradox. Something that seems like a contradiction, but isn’t.
And perhaps that’s why, as we lay Kathleen to rest, we have to admit that, for as well as knew her; there’s a lot we didn’t know too. Isn’t there?
Because Kathleen would hesitate to call. She didn’t want to bother anyone. And I know how much you all care for her, we know her calls were never bothersome. But, Kathleen worried.
And, she lived alone.
While we know about her hobbies; how much she loved watching sports; especially woman’s sports. We also know, there’s a lot about her day-to-day goings-on that we don’t know about. Don’t we?
But this fact of Kathleen, is a good way to understand her better…
I know what I just said, sounds like a contradiction, but it’s actually a true. A paradox.
Because the Truth is, that’s how it is for all of us.
There’s always more to know. We all have something of a secret life. For Kathleen, it is just more apparent. It’s easier to see.
Isn’t that something? The fact that we can see there’s more to Kathleen than we ever saw, helps us see her better!
As we lay Kathleen to rest, we’re filled with many emotions, aren’t we?
One may be worry. We may worry we could have called her a little more. That we could have gotten to know her a little better.
And if you’re feeling that way, then you must know, first that Kathleen never felt that way.
And, you must know, you knew Kathleen better than you’re giving yourself credit for. Because you know the fact about Kathleen that’s true for all of us, there’s always more to know.
At the heart of who we all are, is a paradox. And paradoxes can’t be solved, they can only be appreciated. Loved.
Be comforted then, by how clearly you can see the paradox at the heart of Kathleen.
…And it’s a good thing Kathleen is something of a paradox, too.
While we can’t see everything about Kathleen, do you know who can?
Yes. That’s right, her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
In our scripture today, Paul writing to the Church in Corinth and commending them to love one another. As he waxes on about the enduring power of love, he suddenly stops, and admits that for as powerful as our love may be; it is not as powerful as the love of God.
The love of God which knows no bounds!
The love of God that sees everything; and goes right along loving still!
You see, the paradox of who Kathleen is, is wrapped up in her Lord and Savior, The One who knows everything about her. Even the number of hairs on her head!
Jesus sees Kathleen fully. Knows all there is to know about her.
Today, as we lay Kathleen to rest, we must admit there’s more we could know. And while our knowing reaches it’s limits in Kathleen’s Death, it’s just getting started for her Lord and Savior!
Jesus is taking the end of Kathleen’s life, and making it into the gateway by which everything reveled about her! A paradox!
That’s the thing about The One who fully knows Kathleen; he is a Lord who works with paradoxes! Paradoxes like you and me! Paradoxes like Kathleen!
Because This One, Jesus, is The great Paradox himself!
Jesus, who defeats Death by his Death! Jesus, The One without Sin, who comes only to save sinners!
An apparent contradiction, but in reality, true! A paradox!
Jesus sees Kathleen and her paradoxes, the hidden corners of her life fully!
The final great mystery of Kathleen’s life, is the very thing Jesus recognizes best about her!
Kathleen’s whole life, has been hidden in Jesus Chris. And now in her death, we can finally see that most important fact of who Kathleen is!
What Paul prophesied, is fulfilled for Kathleen. It is not a promise for her any longer, now it’s reality. It is no longer a paradox, but a fact!
And though we may see this only dimly, Kathleen sees it, or him, face to face. Now, though we may only know it only in part, Kathleen knows it fully - even as she is fully know be her Lord and Savior who calls her home today!
Jesus, The One who knows everything about Kathleen, shows us what’s most important about her today; that Jesus has redeemed every part of her, every instant of her life!
Yes, for us, that is still a promise. But on the Great, Last Day - it will be a fact.
Then, as we see her as her Lord and Savior see her today, we will see all there is to see about her. Know all there is to know about her!
And that, that’s the most important thing to know about Kathleen.
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